After keeping study of various Production Units, working here in Pakistan, experts of Cleantouch designed Cleantouch General Production System to fulfill the needs of the units in simple manners. The software force users of software to realize that before using software they were working very hard to maintain book of inventory & accounts and expending too much times in calculating cost of products. Use of this software, provides peace of mind to owner(s) of business so the executives can work for new business ideas in relax environment. Production module in this software is formula based. In the first step user will inform software that product consume what type of materials in what qty for production of single unit and what in-direct expenses accrued at the time of products. After that all the time of production user will just have to inform software how much qty has been produced so the software will automatically consume materials, calculate wastage & in-direct expenses and then calculate cost of production. Sales Tax modules provide all the reporting like S.Tax Invoice, Purchase / Sales Register / Summary, Monthly Calculation Sheet for submission of Return and Yearly S.Tax Summary. Inventory module covered from all angles. Salesmen Target Module can be utilize to track target and achievement of any salesman. Accounting Module is integrated with all other modules up to Net Profit / Loss & Balance Sheet to stop waste of time in duplication of transaction. more
Client's Account is designed to keep tracks of Trust Accounts activities.